Yesterday I got my first brief glimpse of the Meroe pyramids.
Contemporary Çatalhöyük Ritual in Istanbul
Moving performance by Aslı Bostancı in Istanbul at Anamed for performance project “ONE” by Nazlı Gurlek. Nazlı creates a contemporary ritual to encourage contemplation of art in everyday life, inspired by a 8500 year old Neolithic wall painting at Çatalhöyük.
Çatalhöyük 2017 Excavation Begins
Pace Picks Up Today at Çatalhöyük
Today on site at Çatalhöyük as the 2015 excavation season gets into swing.
Çatalhöyük 2015 Excavation Begins
Testing out a new dig camera on site today as the team assembles for the 2015 excavation season at Çatalhöyük.
Field School Students Tell Their Story
Last Fall I had the opportunity to work with some great field school students at Karanis, a Ptolemaic settlement in Fayum, Egypt. While documenting the excavation for the Fayum Project, I shot some footage for the Institute for Field Reseach, which has just released a new video profiling two of our students. Natasha and Suzanne Evans tell their own stories of facing arcaheological research challenges first hand.
Featured in Stanford Magazine
Last summer writer Robert L. Stauss visited our excavation at Çatalhöyük to do an article for Stanford Magazine. The story has just come out, and I'm happy to see good use was made of my photography.
Çatalhöyük 2014 Calendar
For those of you who've missed it, the Çatalhöyük 2014 calendar is still available for order. It showcases the team's work from the 2013 excavation season, with each month highlighting the ongoing work and people invovled in the project.
The large 11" x 14" images are printed on high quality paper with a wire binding.
Get your own at:
Burcu and Ian discuss excavation plans in Building 77 (North Area) during the last days of the 2013 season. In the foreground, Renata cleans her area for a photo.
Burcu and Ian Discuss Excavation
On Site Today at Çatalhöyük
Chris helps Kasia with a skeleton removal in a Building 80 burial (South Area) as Justine logs details.
On going excavation in Trench 3 of the TP Connection area just East of the South Shelter.
Wide view of the North Area excavation underneath the shelter.
North Area Excavation
2013 Excavation Begins at Çatalhöyük
![2013 Excavation Begins at Çatalhöyük](
After team members trickeled in of over the past week, the 2013 excavtion at Çatalhöyük began two days ago, as the site gets cleaned up and prepared for the new season.
Read MoreSpeaking at UCLA on Archaeological Photography
I’ll be giving a talk on archaological photography at UCLA on May, 17th as part of the Cotsen Friday Seminar series. My aim is to present practical approaches to improve site and finds documentation during excavations. I'll also explain an accessible methodology for making 3D reconstruction models from 2D images.
Inspiration from George Georgiou
Impressive photography of Turkey in transition by George Georgiou. Take some time with it. Truly inspiring documentation. I recognize so much from my own travels in Turkey and it puts me to shame I haven't made even an attempt at such an effort.
Another article on his collection:
Çatalhöyük Photo Update
Long overdue, I've added some selected images from Çatalhöyük to my website. This is a small sampling of excavation, finds and portrait images from the collection. I got a little carried away with the portraits, but I couldn't stop myself. There are many more people I want to include, as well as excavation shots. Check back later for more.
Photos Featured on the New York Times
Some of my photos documenting Çatalhöyük were featured in a New York Times slideshow. The related article by Susanne Fowler is Into the Stone Age With a Scalpel: A Dig With Clues on Early Urban Life.
Morning Commute
The daily journey to work in Giza.
Just before 7:00am every morning we would pass through the gates on our way to the AERA lab and storage area. We were lucky to pass by the pyramids so early in the day, while it was still peaceful without all the tourists.
Çatalhöyük on Facebook
Çatalhöyük on Facebook
Finally all those interested in the excavations at Çatalhöyük, from team members to the general public, can now connect together on Facebook.
Çatalhöyük – Building 80 Equirectangular
Building 80 QTVR, originally uploaded by catalhoyuk.
After posting a QTVR of Building 80 from this past summer's excavation season to the Çatalhöyük website, I thought I'd also share the flattened equirectangular 360 image it was based upon.
The Whole Family
The Whole Family, originally uploaded by jpquinlan.
In 2009 my tent and I were adopted by a mother cat and her three kittens. Initially cautious, they eventually setup camp on my front mat, becoming a welcome sight after a day's work at Çatalhöyük.